MIRC Malaysia Innovation Resource Centre
The MCA Innovation Resource Center (MIRC) is set up by the MCA ICT Bureau to assist Malaysian SMEs leverage the use of ICT solutions and advanced business processes that will enable them to remain competitive in an era of globalization.
MIRC also seeks also create an environment that will develop world class technopreneurs and indigenous ICT companies that will contribute to Malaysia’s economy.
MCA has recognized that the adoption of ICT by SMEs has been slow, due to a lack of knowledge and resources such as knowledgeable people and funding, therefore MIRC seeks to provide a range of programs that will bridge the digital divide by enabling SMEs make the transition over to the K-Economy.
Their Vision
MIRC envisions itself being the catalyst in transforming Malaysian businesses into globally competitive world-class organizations.
Their Mission
MIRC’s mission is to create vibrant competitive SMEs that continue to remain relevant in a fast changing business environment within the WTO and AFTA regimes. It will also strive to represent the SME interest in ICT-related issues and to facilitate the development and growth of Malaysia’s ICT companies into world-class companies.
Their Priorities
MIRC focuses their energy on four action areas:
a. SME Transformation
b. Technopreneur Development
c. Market Intelligence and Research
d. Intellectual Property Development and Protection
Objectives & Initiatives
- To receive advice and referrals in all matters relating to the procurement of ICT and/or address issues/problems on the use of ICT.
- To understand the importance of the use of ICT in business and personal development.
- To achieve greater business competitiveness through ICT.
- MIRC will nurture, assist and facilitate Malaysian IT entrepreneurs through start-up, commercialization and sustainability by facilitating seed funding, market access, networking and business mentoring.
- MIRC will facilitate more government-private sector communications and enhance their relationships.
Initiatives of MIRC
In achieving the objectives to initiate the momentum for adoption of sustainable practices and policies, MIRC will:
- Provide an ICT Competency Centre for technology showcasing, testing and market awareness.
- Identify and share success stories, best practices, business information, technology procurement, project management, ICT-related information and funding to individuals and companies.
- Provide training, awareness and outreach on ICT-related issues.
- Embark on strategic alliances with other agencies, associations and bodies to foster the proliferation of ICT within the community.
- Assist ICT companies in market access through networking activities, overseas field trips, b2b portal, and alliances with foreign ICT bodies.
- Assist ICT companies in obtaining funding by facilitating grants, seed and venture capital activities to relevant agencies and bodies.
- Assist ICT companies in their commercialization and strategy development through the Centre’s mentoring program.
- Publicly advocate and support sustainable practices and policies by facilitating more government-private sector communications.
- Provide market intelligence and research to Malaysian businesses.